Psychological projection is a way of coping with emotional pain or conflict that people don’t always realize they’re resorting to. Someone who is projecting will attribute their own emotions, behaviors, or traits to another person or group. It’s usually emotions they might not want to acknowledge, such as regret or guilt. Projection never reflects an actual action or statement from the person on the receiving end. It’s all about what the person who is projecting is feeling and thinking about their actions, including infidelity.
How common is cheating?
Statistics indicate that 18-20% of married couples and 30-40% of unmarried couples experience at least one incident of cheating. Infidelity rates can increase with age, especially for women, and might be higher in newer marriages. Women’s infidelity rates have risen by 40% in the last 30 years. Women aged 20-29 tend to be less faithful than their spouses. They can also cheat emotionally and tend to consider these affairs more damaging to relationships. As of 2024, 88% of women believe emotional cheating is more devastating.
While this data is no cause to pound the alarm, it does draw attention to the fact that cheating occurs in relationships, and your concerns about a spouse’s fidelity can be valid. So, the question is: How can you tell if your wife is cheating? Here are some common signs that a person feels guilty.
They accuse you of cheating
This is the main sign. They might confront you when being unfaithful was the last thing on your mind. It can come as a shock. Still, try to stay calm and ask why they feel this way. Ask if anything specific is making them suspicious.
They suddenly shower you with attention
It’s important to differentiate between genuine attention and an effort to cover up guilt. If they become untypically thoughtful or considerate and seem more attuned to your needs in inexplicable ways, this could be a sign of guilt.
They need to justify every action
When someone feels guilty, they may need to over-justify or explain their actions, which is exhausting for both partners. They might over-explain their actions or whereabouts. It’s a common sign of guilt.
They won’t give straight answers
They might start trying to manipulate you, which is decidedly out of character for them. They avoid giving direct answers, or they try to confuse you so their secret remains under wraps, leaving you feeling anxious or unsure. Changing the subject is also suspicious.
A sudden drop in intimacy
One feels troubled when a partner constantly shies away from intimacy, especially if the partner is not trying to reconnect. This withdrawal can indicate that they are seeking and receiving intimacy from someone else and dealing with the guilt.
They get defensive
If they become hostile in response to a simple question, it could be due to guilt or because they’re afraid the truth will come out. An unfaithful spouse or partner may become highly defensive about trivial issues, possibly trying to manipulate the situation or reacting with anger.
They are unusually concerned about your schedule
A sudden interest in your schedule can be a red flag. Your partner might be trying to ensure you won’t catch them if they constantly ask about your plans or whereabouts.
Unexplained expenses
Be alert if your partner starts spending money without explanation. Watch for untypical spending patterns and behavior, such as being secretive about finances or unexplained card charges.
Final thoughts
If your partner accuses you of cheating, suddenly pays more attention, has an excessive need to justify every action, tries to manipulate you, or becomes overly interested in your schedule, they are likely projecting guilt about their infidelity.